Legendary Infopreneur

How To Build An Online Course, Sell Online And Create Passive Income

  • Tips & Tricks
  • Blog-Post
  • Posted a few days ago


Welcome to the world of online courses! Online education is one of the hottest and most exciting trends in education today, and it's only going to get bigger. In this guide, we'll show you how to create an online course that will earn you money while you sleep.

Define your end goal

If you want to earn $20K per month on your blog and sell courses along with ads and sponsorships, that's great! You can do that—but first, clarify how much time and effort it will take. Will it be one free email course or four paid ones? What else does each step involve (e.g., creating videos for YouTube)? Once you have an estimate of what kind of work needs to be done by which date(s), then think about how much money you'll need from sales to reach those goals successfully.

Your goal could even be something more tangible than monetary gains like getting 1000 leads or growing your account to 5K in three months; whatever works best for you! Just don't forget about setting up milestones along the way so that if any unexpected challenges arise (and they probably will), there's still enough time left over before deadline day arrives again in order for us not only complete but also polish off our projects accordingly too!

Research what other people are doing

Researching what other people are doing is a good place to start. Find out what works, what doesn’t and what the competition is up to. Look at their pricing and their course structure, as well as their marketing techniques. Look at what topics are popular in the market right now – what do people want?

You can also use your research to find out if there’s anything lacking in your area of expertise that you can address with an online course.

Create your course outline

It's time to get organized! You'll want to create a detailed outline of your course content, including what you're going to teach and how it will be broken down by module or chapter. It's important that the course outline is easy-to-follow and organized, so that the student knows exactly what they can expect from each module or chapter. The best way to ensure this is by thinking about what specific skills you will impart upon them at each stage of their journey through the course material. It's also helpful if you can clearly articulate what they'll learn at each step along the way—and why they should care about it in the first place.

Create your course content

After you’ve created your course outline, it’s time to write the content for each module.

quoteIt is important that you keep in mind that each module should be short and sweet (5-20 minutes). If you give too much information at once, students may get overwhelmed and never finish the course.

Students will be tempted to skip over some modules because they don’t seem necessary or they find them boring. Don't let this happen! Make sure that every single module is engaging, valuable and fun!

Create the landing page copy and design for your course

A good landing page copy is critical to your course sales. It’s the first impression that you make on potential students and it has to be impactful enough to persuade them to buy your course.

You don’t have much space on your landing page, so you need to make sure that every word counts. You need a strong headline that reflects what people will learn by purchasing the course, along with bullet points describing why they should sign up right now instead of later.

The design of your landing page should also be carefully considered because visual cues can help people understand what kind of information they will get if they purchase your course (for example, if there are screenshots from previous courses, this implies that other buyers were satisfied with the content).


Launch and market your course

Now that you've completed your course and it's ready for the world to see, it's time to get started on marketing. Here are some of the best ways you can do this:

Tell your audience about the course. You'll want to make sure that people know about your online course before they sign up for it—and there are a ton of ways you can do so:

  • Send out emails announcing its release.
  • Share posts about it on social media.
  • Create blog posts or videos discussing the topic in more detail than what would fit in an email or tweet (but still short enough not to overwhelm people).
  • Have Facebook ads that pop up when people visit certain types of websites (like ones related to business-related topics).

You can create a passive income stream by turning your knowledge into an online course.

I understand that the idea of building a passive income stream by turning your knowledge into an online course is very exciting. But I also know how daunting it can be to get started.

Well, you're in luck because I'm going to share with you exactly what steps you need to take and how much time it will take (hint: not much!).

First things first: You need to create a digital course on Udemy or Teachable. If you don't have any experience creating one yet, don't worry; I have a complete step by step guide inside my Legendary Infopreneur program.

Once your course is up, it's time for marketing! In order for the world at large (and anyone who might be interested in purchasing your product) know about your work, there are many approaches available for promoting content like ours on sites like Facebook Ads or Google Ads through social media channels such as Twitter/Instagram/LinkedIn/YouTube as well as through email marketing campaigns using services like MailChimp and Aweber.


I hope that this guide has given you a solid idea of how to go about creating your own online course and launching it successfully. This process isn’t easy, but the tips I’ve included here should make it as smooth as possible. I wish you the best of luck in turning your knowledge into a passive stream of income and if you want a deep dive into how I went from broke to a millionaire in less than 3 years by selling courses online, you can't miss Legendary Infopreneur, a complete blueprint on how to create, market and sell your knowledger, skills or experience online.