Legendary Infopreneur

How To Price Your Online Course?

  • Tips & Tricks
  • Blog-Post
  • Posted a few days ago


Pricing is hard. In the early days of your business, you might have struggled with pricing your services and products. But now you’re ready to create an online course, so it’s time to learn how to price it, right? Well... not exactly.

Pricing is still a challenge, but it’s more complex than just deciding on a number that sounds right. We don't want to leave you feeling more confused than before you started reading this post, so we're going to break down how to price your online course in a way that makes sense for both you and your students.

It's hard to decide how to price your online course, but these tips will help you get there.

Pricing your online course is one of the most difficult things to do. It’s hard because it's not just about how much you want to charge, but also what your audience is willing to pay for.

Here are some tips for figuring out a price for your online course:

  • Price is a reflection of value
  • Price is a reflection of your time
  • Price is a reflection of your expertise and experience
  • Compare to similar courses.

The first thing to do is to compare your course to other courses in the same niche. You can also look at other niches if you think that's a better fit for you.

The second thing is to look at courses that are related, but not directly related. For example, if you're selling a course on building websites, maybe someone selling Photoshop courses or video editing courses would be a good comparison point. If you don't know what people are paying for video editing courses or Photoshop tutorials (I didn't), search Google and see what they have been charging lately.

Another option is to compare yourself to your own past work: how much did your last course cost? Is there anything new that makes this one more valuable than last time?

Ask for feedback and ideas from the people who know you best.

You’re the expert. You know your subject matter better than anyone. And you want to make sure you get paid what you deserve for your expertise and hard work. But how do you figure out exactly how much to charge for your course?

Here's a tip for determining your course price:

quoteAsk for feedback and ideas from the people who know you best. Your friends, family and colleagues will be able to give valuable insight into what they would pay for an online course on a similar topic—and if their answers differ widely from what they've been willing to pay in the past, that's information worth listening to! It may not mean anything at all (maybe they can afford more now), but it could also mean that there's something wrong with either the way we're communicating our value or with our pricing strategy itself. In other words: keep asking questions until someone tells you something helpful!

  • Be honest about your value: What do you really do?
  • Be honest about your experience: How long have you been doing this for?
  • Be honest about your skills: What kind of skills do you have that make people want to hire and pay for them?

Also, be honest about your personality: Are there any quirks or things that go along with this work that would make it more difficult to teach, or come across as less professional when talking about it?

For example, a sense of humor could be a big part of how you connect with your audience, but some other people might find it off-putting and distracting. You don't want them to feel like they're wasting their money on something they won't be able to follow because they're too busy laughing at jokes (if there are any). Or maybe an instructor who's very serious would not be as engaging to watch than someone who is more playful; but neither one is necessarily better than the other! It depends on what kind of mood we're in when we realize we need help finding something online.



Hopefully, these tips will help you decide how to price your online course. When you're ready to launch, don't forget that I can help with the next step: Getting students enrolled.

Legendary Infopreneur

After becoming a 7-Figure course creator, I decided that the best contribution I could possibly make to the world, was teaching people step-by-step how to monetize their knowledge, skills or experience with an online course, that's how Legendary Infopreneur was born; a complete blueprint on how to find out what you can teach, find your niche, create a digital product and sell it successfully online.

Here are some of the lessons you'll get:

  • Identify your passion, validate your idea and find your niche.
  • Set the price and name your course to create the best impact on your audience.
  • The secret to deliver the most value and make your course stand out.
  • Storytelling and copywriting techniques to build a strong brand.
  • Address the 3 human's learning systems with effective communication skills.
  • .
  • Create a syllabus and write lessons to keep your students engaged and learning.
  • Overcome stage fright, learn how to record and edit audio and video.
  • Build a website and pick the best ever Course Management System.
  • Learn magic marketing techniques to sell anything even if you don't like sales.
  • Grow and scale your side hustle to a real 6-7 Figure business.

If you're ready to take the most important step in your life and start your course creation journey, then click here now to become a Legendary Infopreneur